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Truth Telling

Anne E Stewart | Storyteller

“Anne remains one of Australia's prime storytellers ...”

~ Louisa John-Krol, former AFTS President

“Our nation must have the courage to own the truth, to heal the wounds of its past so that we can move on together at peace with ourselves.”

The notion of Truth Telling

Anne was first introduced to the notion of Truth Telling as it applied in East Timor. This followed years after the murder of her brother, Tony Stewart in Balibo East Timor on the 16th October 1975. With ongoing connections, Anne paid attention to The Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation established around 2001 in East Timor.

'Our Tony'

 On 16 October 1975, five Australian journalists were murdered at Balibo in East Timor. Anne E. Stewart, sister of sound recordist Tony Stewart (one of the Balibo Five), offers a personal insight into his very public and political death.



Broadcast Sat 23 May 2009 at 2:05pm


Anne E Stewart | Storyteller

Balibo, East Timor

Yoorrook Justice Commission

The Yoorrook Justice Commission is the first formal truth-telling process into historical and ongoing injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria. Anne has been following their live broadcasts as we hear Victoria’s different clans tell their stories.

Pat Walsh, an adviser to East Timor’s Truth Commission, has written a paper about the connections between Timor Leste and Victoria’s first nation.


Queensland is taking steps towards truth-telling

Queensland is taking steps towards truth-telling. This will help build community understanding of Queensland’s shared history and support the process of healing for individuals, communities, the state and help Close the Gap.

“Reframing the relationship between First Nations Queenslanders and the Queensland Government and our ability to collectively Close the Gaps in life outcomes, requires a full and truthful understanding of our shared history.”

~ Minister for Treaty, Leeanne Enoch

Anne will be supporting these endeavours with stories that talk of shared histories and the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal Families – we need to acknowledge the past and move move forward respectfully.


Invite Anne

Storyteller, Performance Artist, Writer, Researcher, Broadcaster, Keynote Speaker & Master of Ceremonies

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